Star Press: "How Ball State Athletics is Stepping Up for those affected by Coronavirus Concerns"

From the Star Press - Muncie, Indiana

By: Jordan Guskey

MUNCIE, Ind. — Ball State fans in the area shouldn’t be surprised in the coming days if they see Cardinals coaches and athletics staffers making runs for groceries and more…

“I sure hope this is a great idea that never has to get executed in our community,” said Goetz, herself one of the volunteers responding to the COVID-19 situation. “But, if it does, we’ll sort of rotate through and try and make sure that we can help as many people as have requested it.”

Goetz said at that time there were about 20 volunteers available. She credited BSU athletic operations manager Hayley Harnden, associate athletic director of marketing and fan engagement Shawn Sullivan and assistant director of athletic communications/creative and emerging media Josh Rattray for making this program a reality.

Read the full story on the Star Press website.

Shawn Sullivan